A couple pictures of the stack of A3S's at KK1L, and some close ups of
the sidearm I cobbled up to hold the middle antenna. The top antenna is at 92 feet.
The middle is at 62 feet.
Click any picture to enlarge it.
The top antenna to Europe, the bottom to the US.
The same configuration from a different angle.
A close up of the sidearm while I was testing the installation at ground level. Clamps on the
tower hold a mast to mount the rotator. A short mast in the top of the rotator holds the sidearm.
The same configuration from a different angle. The weak point in this system is the mast mounted
rotator and the lack of a bearing above the antenna mast to absorb side forces.
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was last updated on
Wed, 10 Jan 01 at 23:33
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