Introduction Designed primarily for the HF contester the antenna switching system will easily allow two radios to be connected to any of six (or 8) antenna feeds without allowing either radio to transmit into the other. The focus is on having a very flexible Single Operator Two Radio (SO2R) setup you can build yourself.
I have designed the switches with high RF integrity in mind to provide a hard to find DIY component for you to design around.
At its most basic there are two parts to the project…
The relay board and enclosure, which could be mounted at the base of the tower or elsewhere
The control circuitry and enclosure. This can take the form of the WiFi controlled “FreqEZ” from K8UT, the controller board I designed, or simply using a rotary switch. There is nothing stopping you from rolling your own controller for just your situation
It can be possible to house both the control and relay board in the same chassis…the 2×6 and 2×8 boards are designed to support this with a Rasberry Pi Zero W and FreqEZ combination. Or you can roll your own Raspberry Pi or Microcontroller based decoder and controller, or use the options I provide. Go for it! Jump in and have fun.
05-MAR-25: K8UT FreqEZ soon to be available directly from KK1L. Stay tuned!