K8UT became a Silent Key 14-AUG-2024.
05-MAR-25: Working on continuity of supply of this great product. To be available directly from KK1L. Stay tuned!

“Your high tech option”
FreqEZ Band Decoder is available from Larry, K8UT. It is a combination hardware/software project that provides highly configurable Band Decoding and Remote Antenna selection. For amateurs who use N1MM+, Logger32, UcxLog, Log4OM, or DXLab logging software, FreqEZ will leverage those programs’ UDP packets for antenna switching. For other amateurs, FreqEZ can connect to the BCD band outputs available from most transceivers. Without available UDP packet or BCD band information, FreqEZ can also be used as a sophisticated manual antenna switch.
Key Features
- The FreqEZ software is free
- Inexpensive, off-the-shelf, readily available hardware
- No DIP switches, diodes, solder-bridges. All configuration is via software settings
- Manual antenna selection with simple mouse clicks in the Windows FreqEZ Console
- Automatic antenna selection from network-based UDP packets or hard-wired BCD inputs
- In N1MM+ – use the antenna numbers from the Configurer >Antenna table
- Supports the N1MM+ Keyboard Shortcut for multiple antennas per band by toggling <alt>+F9
- In Logger 32, DXLab, Log4OM, UcxLog, TR4Win or N1MM+ – use the Tx radio frequency from the UDP RadioInfo packet
- Auto-magic switching (no re-configuration) from N1MM’s antenna numbers to Logger32 (v4.0 or lter), TR4W (v4.100.10 or later), or DXLab Commander’s Frequencies
- Hard-wired method, for logging programs that do not support UDP broadcasts
- Connect to a transceiver’s BCD output jack
- OR… use BCD signals from a PC LPT parallel port (supported by some logging programs – ugh!)
- In N1MM+ – use the antenna numbers from the Configurer >Antenna table
- Single Op Profiles in the Setup window for SO1V, SO2V or SO2R configurations
- Separate antenna configurations for Radio1 versus Radio2 when operating SO2V or SO2R
- The FreqEZ Console and the FreqEZ Controller communicate via WiFi or wired Ethernet connections
- The Raspberry Pi FreqEZ Controller operates “headless” – can be located anywhere
- Each Raspberry Pi FreqEZ Controller contains 8 (HAT8 card) or 16 (HAT16) outputs
- The FreqEZ HAT Controller provides bi-directional opto-MOSFET solid-state devices that can each handle 20 volts AC/DC at 500 milliamperes
- The FreqEZ DIY Controller provides 16 “dry contacts” that sink (ground) or source (+12 vdc) in any combination from two SainSmart relay boards